Fundamental Analysis + Relative Valuation =
Above-average Long term Performance
Asset Allocation and Equity Holdings
Top 10 Holdings*
We are currently constructive on the Tech sector and Financials
Top Sectors
Th portfolio is currently structured to track the S&P sector weightings, with +/- 2% deviations (with dynamic rebalancing).
Active Shares
The portfolio is currently structured to track the sector weightings of the S&P 500 (as at the most recent Quarter-end)., with +/- 200 basis point deviations - with dynamic rebalancing.
However, as at the end of the latest reporting period, the overall portfolio is marginally tilted to Materials, Real Estate, and Financials sectors.
There is also marginal deviation from the sectoral weighting - primarily with respect to Consumer Discretionary, Energy, and Industrials.